Pylon: a foundation library

User's guide



1 User's guide
1.1 Presentation
1.1.1 A foundation library
1.1.2 Architecture
1.1.3 Feature set
1.2 Data structures
1.2.1 Base class
1.2.2 Traversable containers and iterators
1.2.3 Searchable containers
1.2.4 Sequence containers
1.2.5 Ordering and sortable containers
1.2.6 Dispensers
1.2.7 Lists
1.2.8 Sets
1.2.9 Tables
1.3 Foundation facilities
1.3.1 Serialisation
1.3.2 Date and time
1.3.3 Random numbers
1.3.4 Miscellaneous classes

2 Data structure reference
2.1 Iterators
2.2 Order relation
2.3 Lists
2.3.1 Linked list
2.3.2 Sequence list
2.4 Dispensers
2.4.1 Stack
2.4.2 Queue
2.5 Set
2.6 Tables
2.6.1 Dictionary
2.6.2 Catalog

3 Foundation reference
3.1 Serialisation
3.1.1 Text object
3.1.2 Text object manager
3.2 Date and time
3.2.1 Date
3.2.2 Time
3.2.3 Combined date and time
3.3 Miscellaneous classes
3.3.1 Pair
3.3.2 Integer parsing

A Eiffel conventions
A.1 Use of indexing
A.2 Public interface
A.3 Documentation assertions
A.4 English language usage
A.5 Eiffel usage guidelines

B Licensing conditions