expanded class interface POINTER
   --  References to objects meant to be exchanged with non-Eiffel 
   --  software.
   --  Note : An Eiffel POINTER is mapped as C type "void *" or as
   --  Java "java.lang.Object" type.

feature(s) from HASHABLE
   hash_code: INTEGER
      --  The hash-code value of Current.

         good_hash_value: Result >= 0

feature(s) from POINTER_REF
   item: POINTER

feature(s) from POINTER_REF
   set_item (value: like item)

feature(s) from POINTER
   is_null: BOOLEAN
      --  Is the external POINTER a NULL pointer ?

   is_not_null: BOOLEAN
      --  Is the external POINTER a non-NULL pointer ?

feature(s) from POINTER
   --  Object Printing :

   append_in (str: STRING)
      --  Append on str a viewable version of Current.

      --  Append a viewable information in tagged_out_memory in 
      --  order to affect the behavior of out, tagged_out, etc.

feature(s) from POINTER
   to_any: ANY
      --  Assume that Current is really an Eiffel reference.

end of expanded POINTER